Stripperella 109 Sc 305 Pnl 1
Action: EXT WAREHOUSE- NIGHT. NOTE: This is a layout for scene 305, not an indication of a camera pan at this point. Hold on Warehouse Facade (position B) for a beat…
Stripperella 109 Sc 305 Pnl 2
Action: Limo bursts out through boarded-up storefront window (headlights are on)…
Stripperella 109 Sc 305 Pnl 3
Action:…pulling Stripperella in after it.
Stripperella 109 Sc 305 Pnl 4
Action: Limo turns sharply- pan with Stripperella as inertia carries her toward cam…
Stripperella 109 Sc 305 Pnl 5
Stripperella 109 Sc 305 Pnl 6
Action: Car swerves, continues away from cam as it completes turn- Stripperella is carried frame left by momentum…
Stripperella 109 Sc 305 Pnl 7
Action:…is pulled away from cam by limo.
Stripperella 109 Sc 306 Pnl 1
Action: INT LIMO- NIGHT- CONTINUES SLIDE BG(S) Start position- Robot chauffeur sits in driver’s seat, slowly rotating steering wheel back and forth- pan to Bridesmaid pointing laser rind at Priest #3- James cowers next to her in seat.
Dialogue: BRIDESMAID: “All right, preacher- start marrying.”
Stripperella 109 Sc 307 Pnl 1
Action: CONTINUOUS BG SLIDE: Priest #3 looks nervously at Bridesmaid’s rind bearing hand in f.g.-
Stripperella 109 Sc 307 Pnl 2
Action: He starts his routine even though his mouth is taped shut (he drops his shoulders as he begins; animate jaw up and down as he “talks”). Bridesmaid lowers ring-hand o.s. as he starts.
Stripperella 109 Sc 308 Pnl 1
Action: CONTINUOUS BG SLIDE: Bridesmaid and James look at o.s. Priest #3
Stripperella 109 Sc 308 Pnl 2
Action: She looks at him as she speaks; he turns toward her, then replies.
Dialogue: BRIDESMAID: “Say “I do.””
JAMES: “But…”
Stripperella 109 Sc 308 Pnl 3
Action: She leans toward him threateningly; he recoils…
Dialogue: BRIDESMAID: “Do you want to live?”
Stripperella 109 Sc 315 Pnl 4
Action: -leans in, forcing B.M. away from cam-
Stripperella 109 Sc 316 Pnl 1
Action: CONTINUOUS BG SLIDE- H,U. Start pose- c.u. on ring as o.s. Stripperella forces it upwards, away form cam-
Stripperella 109 Sc 316 Pnl 2
Action: Ring starts firing laser beam as it rises upward-
Stripperella 109 Sc 316 Pnl 3
Action: Ring continues firing laser as hand continues away from cam-
Stripperella 109 Sc 316 Pnl 4
Action: Short diagonal pan to keep hands framed as they struggle-
Stripperella 109 Sc 317 Pnl 1
Action: CONTINUOUS BG SLIDE- Priest #3 reacts as o.s. ring hand swings his way-
Stripperella 109 Sc 317 Pnl 2
Action:-ducks to avoid laser beam as it swings in- pan to follow laser beam as it sweeps across frame, slicing windows, headrest and Robot Driver as it goes-
Stripperella 109 Sc 318 Pnl 1
Action: CONTINUOUS BG SLIDE- M.C.U. on Robot Driver- Its head has been sliced by laser beam- hold a beat-hands mechanically turn steering wheel back and forth-
Stripperella 109 Sc 318 Pnl 2
Action: Robot Driver’s head slides off it’s lower jaw, falls o.s.-
Stripperella 109 Sc 318 Pnl 3
Action: Sparks fly from the stump-
Stripperella 109 Sc 318 Pnl 4
Action: Driver’s hands start to turn the wheel wildly, spasmodically-
Stripperella 109 Sc 319 Pnl 1
Action: B.G. SLIDE, ANIMATE OL/UL- Limo speed along, stationary in relation to cam- it has been cleanly sliced by laser- animate cans tied to rear bumper- left headlight is lit, right is dark, having been laser-sliced-
Stripperella 109 Sc 319 Pnl 2
Action: Limo begins to weave erratically back and forth across frame
Stripperella 109 Sc 321 Pnl 2
Action: -shrinks back against seat, narrowly avoiding laser beam-
Stripperella 109 Sc 321 Pnl 3
Action: -then ducks just before second blast shoots in-
Stripperella 109 Sc 322 Pnl 1
Action: CONTINUOUS BG SLIDE/ ANIMATE GROUND OL/UL- Laser beam is shooting out of side of limo (left headlight is lit, right is unlit)
Stripperella 109 Sc 322 Pnl 2
Action: Limo weaves toward cam-
-2 more laser bursts shoot from within limo-
-As Limo reaches f.g., front wheels turn sharply-
Stripperella 109 Sc 322 Pnl 3
Action: Limo veers away from cam, into b.g., as 3 more laser bursts issue forth-
Stripperella 109 Sc 322 Pnl 4
Action: Meanwhile, blur-slide parked cars through frame in f.g.-
Stripperella 109Sc 322 Pnl 5
Action: continued-
Stripperella 109 Sc 323 Pnl 1
Action: CONTINUOUS BG SLIDE- Bridesmaid fires laser burst at Stripperella, who reaches out- (Jame’s shoulder is seen in right f.g.)
Stripperella 109 Sc 324 Pnl 6
Action: -crashes into b.g. parked car- In f.g., mini-van starts to slide through frame fast-
Stripperella 109 Sc 324 Pnl 7
Action: B.G. car topples over due to limo crash; f.g. mini-van continues through frame-
Stripperella 109 Sc 325 Pnl 1
Action: CONTINUOUS BG SLIDE- Stripperella has gotten her leg up under Bridesmaid-
Dialogue: BRIDESMAID: “Goodbye, Stripperella!”
Stripperella 109 Sc 325 Pnl 2
Action: Stripperella shoves B.M. back with her feet-
Stripperella 109 Sc 325 Pnl 3
Action: reaches out, grabs front of B.M.’s dress-
Stripperella 109 Sc 325 Pnl 4
Action: Tears off the front of it- B.M. is shocked-
Stripperella 109 Sc 325 Pnl 5
Action: Angrily, B.M. grabs the front of Stipperella’s costume-
Stripperella 109 Sc 325 Pnl 6
Action: -Bridesmaid rips away the from Stripperella’s costume, exposing her bra-
Stripperella 109 Sc 326 Pnl 2
Action: Suddenly they activate- quickly/continuously dx on backlight, stronger and stronger- simultaneously, dx on new lighting for rest of frame-
Stripperella 109 Sc 326 Pnl 3
Action: -until intense backlight fare overcomes frame with white (note: do not dx to white to achieve this effect)-
Stripperella 109 Sc 326 Pnl 4
Action: NOW fade to white-
Stripperella 109 Sc 328 Pnl 1
Action: Cut back to scene 325 layout with new, intense, high contrast lighting caused by Stripperella’s headlights shooting directly into Bridesmaid’s face-
Stripperella 109 Sc 328 Pnl 2
Action: Stripperella takes the opportunity to twist B.M.’s wrist aside just before B.M. fires another laser beam-
Stripperella 109 Sc 329 Pnl 1
Action: CONTINUOUS BG SLIDE/ ANIMATE OL/ULS Striperella’s o.s. “headlight’s” beams radiate from busted-out windows of limo- Left headlight (of limo) is still lit-
Stripperella 109 Sc 329 Pnl 2
Action: Laser beam punches through front grill of limo- hold a beat-
Stripperella 109 Sc 330 Pnl 2
Action: Strip cranks B.M.’s wrist towards her, forcing B.M.’s hand to unclench-
Stripperella 109 Sc 330 Pnl 3
Action: Strip. reaches in with other hand, grabs ring-
Stripperella 109 Sc 330 Pnl 4
Action: -pulls it off B.M.’s hand- pane with as Strip., lifting ring into f.g.-
Stripperella 109 Sc 331 Pnl 1
Action: EXT POLICE STATION: NIGHT- Limo slowly rolls in, continually losing speed, costing to a stop- Stripperella’s headlight’s intense light still issues forth from limo interior (limo headlights are out)
Stripperella 109 Sc 332 Pnl 1
Action: EXT POLICE STATION: NIGHT- Closer on facade- H.U.- Limo rolls in slowly, almost stopped-
Stripperella 109 Sc 332 Pnl 2
Action: -collides gently with steps leading up to sign, stops-
Stripperella 109 Sc 332 Pnl 3
Action: -all doors simultaneously pop open by themselves; James, hands tied behind his back, topples out, onto pavement- Stipperella-headlights-glow shifts to right side of limo-
Stripperella 109 Sc 332 Pnl 4
Action: James settles- Stripperella, her headlights still blazing, pushes Bridesmaid, handcuffed, out of limo- pan with them as they walk to steps of polices station as Cops #1, #2, and #3 step forward meet ladies-
Stripperella 109 Sc 332 Pnl 5
Action: James starts to sit up as Cops meet ladies-
Stripperella 109 Sc 333 Pnl 1
Action: Stipperella hands Bridesmaid over to policemen. (Note: her “headlights” are backlit)-
Dialogue:STRIPPERELLA: “She’s all yours, boys.”
Stripperella 109 Sc 333 Pnl 2
Action: Cops #2 & #3 take Bridesmaid, start to usher her o.s.- Cop #1 turns back toward Stripperella-
Dialogue: COP #1: Uh, Stripperella…
Stripperella 109 Sc 333 Pnl 3
Action: -points at her glowing bra- He and other cops step toward o.s. without entirely exiting-
Dialogue: COP #1(CONT): …your headlights are still on.
Stripperella 109 Sc 333 Pnl 4
Action: Stripperella touches her bra lightly- headlights extinguish- partially o.s. cops start reading o.s Bridesmaid her rights
Dialogue: STRIPPERELLA: Thanks.
COP #1 (Muffled rights-reading walla)