Action: C.U. on Star of Bethlehem; truck out/vert pan following beam of light down to Bethlehem street- Cleangela walks in, up hill towards inn atop hill-
Action: Angle on top of staircase next to inn- Innkeeper, patrons stand on porch, staring at beam of light from star- Cleangela walks in, up staircase-
Action: Innkeeper, guests look up in awe at o.s. star;
Cleangela glides through frame in F.G.-
Action: Cleangela reaches staircase on opposite side of hill, begins descent-
Action: EXT CARAVANSARY- NIGHT- Cleangela descends in on staircase, reaches courtyard- Truck out/pan to manger which is spotlit by o.s. star- a small crowd of onlookers is gathered around the entrance to manger, blocking our view.
Action:Angle on manger, small crowd clustered around entrance- Cleangela steps in, reaches back of crowd- Note: light in courtyard is from star, which is directly overhead and brighter than the light inside the manger, which is from an oil lamp on the floor-
Action: Three crowd members turn to look at Cleangela, move aside to let her in-
Action: Cleangela as she mover through crowd members, stops in front rank; truck in. Courtyard is obscured by light from star (backlight)-
Action: Cleangela’ POV- Joseph and Mary; Mary holds newborn baby Jesus- Three wise men kneel before them, heads bowed-
Action: Joseph gazes down at Mary and Jesus-
Action: C.U. on Jesus-
Action: C.U. on Cleangela, looking down at Jesus with awe and adoration-
Action: Low angle on floor; Magi are kneeling before the Holy Family-
Dialogue: MELCHIOR: “Mother of the messiah, we come from the east to pay homage.”
Action: Reverse angle- Wise men look at o.s. Mary-
Dialogue: MELCHIOR (CONT): “In his honor, we present him with special gifts.”
Action: -straighten. Balthazar lifts in small cedar chest-
Dialogue: BALTHAZAR: “i bring the gift of myrrh.”
Action: - Balthazar steps in in F.G.: Joseph and Mary look at him from b.g.-
Dialogue: BALTHAZAR (CONT): “This is the most precious of perfumes…”
Action: - Vert Pan to keep Balthazar framed as he kneels, places the cedar chest at their feet.
Dialogue: BALTHAZAR (CONT): “…used to consecrate kings for their office.”
Action: - Joseph and Mary, looking at o.s. Balthazar=
Dialogue: BALTHAZAR (OS/CONT): “This child is to be the king of Israel.”
Action: -Short Diag Pan with Balthazar as he backs away, joining line-up of other Magi-
Dialogue: BALTHAZAR (CONT): “ We wish to anoint him with this holy fragrance”.
Action: - C.U. on Gaspar- He is in bowing pose-BG out of focus- Backlit courtyard (from o.s. starlight)
Dialogue: GASPAR: “I bring…”
Action: - Gaspar straightens, reaching o.s., lifts in phial of frankincense-
Dialogue: GASPAR (CONT): ”…the gift of frankincense.”
Action: Gaspar steps in, holding phial- animals, humans turn heads to track with him as he crosses frame-
Dialogue: GASPAR (CONT): ”This valuable incense…”
Action: Gaspar kneels, gently places phial next to cedar chest-
Dialogue: GASPAR (CONT): “…symbolizing priestly office
and the very fragrance of life itself”
Action:-and back away, bowing as he goes-
Action: -Horses turn heads to track with o.s. Gaspar-
Action: -as he rejoins other magi- Hold a beat, then o.s. Melchior speaks-
Dialogue: MELCHIOR (OS)-“Holy Mother…”
Action: F.G. horses look at Melchior as he steps in, carrying a small cloth bag of gold coins-
Dialogue: MELCHIOR (OS/CONT): “…I bring…”
Action: Melchior kneels-
Dialogue: MELCHIOR (CONT): “…a gift of gold”
Action: C.U. on Melchior, holding open bag of gold coins-
Dialogue: MELCHIOR (OS/CONT): Gold is a gift…”
Action: Vert pan up to Melchior’s face (from position A to position B):
Dialogue: MELCHIOR (CONT): “…fit for Kings and Gods. So I offer…
Action: Re-start vert pan from position B to position C to pan with Melchior as he straightens-
Dialogue: MELCHIOR (CONT): “GOLD as befitting this new God Child who has come to us…”
Action: C.U. on Cleangela- she re reaches in, fingers her chin- she is profoundly disturbed by what she is witnessing-
Dialogue: MELCHIOR (CONT/OS): “… on behalf of God the Father Almighty himself.”
Action: Magi stand with heads bowed, in praying pose-
Action: C.U. on Mary, looking at o,s, Magi-
Action: She turns, scanning room-
Action: Mary’s P.O.V.-Assembled group looks at camera-
Action: Mary’s P.O.V.- C.U, on Cleangela, looking directly at cam-
Action: M.C.U., Joseph and Mary, looking at o.s. Cleangela-
Action: -Mary lifts Jesus in, holds the infant out towards Cleangela-
Dialogue: MARY: “Would you like to hold him?”
Action: M.C.U. on Cleangela, looking at o.s. Jesus, starts towards him-
Action: Cleangela steps in, approaches Mary- All heads turn to track with her (re-use sc. 18)-
Action: Clleangela stops, reaches out- Mary hands Jesus to her-
Action: Start pose-
Action: Clleangela straightens, lifting Baby Jesus to her-
Action: D.X.on new lighing-
Action: C.U. on Cleangela, looking down at Baby Jesus-
Action: Cleangela’s eyes widen slightly with surprise as Baby J. reaches in, touches tip of her nose-
Action:- As he lowers his hand, immediately begin cross dissolve to next sc.-